Making our mark
Gray’s Inn is one of the four Inns of Court which have the exclusive right to call individuals to the Bar of England and Wales. For more than six hundred years, Gray’s has been home to a community of extraordinary people. Generations of Members have honed their craft here, standing up for truth and justice with fierce independence. Our Members’ talent, dedication and bravery has shaped, and continues to shape, the evolution of the rule of law.
The purpose of the Inn is to:
- educate and develop its student Members and its barrister Members, recognising its historic traditions
- promote the values of the rule of law and access to justice
- champion equality, diversity and inclusion
- provide pastoral and practical support to its Membership
in order to contribute to a modern, independent and internationally active Bar.
Gray’s Inn will empower each Member to reach their goals, fostering educational excellence within an inclusive, connected and supportive community. We will be recognised nationally and internationally for our contributions to the legal profession and the rule of law.
Community. We are a friendly, welcoming community of individuals, who respect and support the distinctive strengths and contributions of every member. Working together we achieve more.
Integrity. We act with integrity; ethics and principles define and guide us.
Innovation. We are leaders in a dynamic and changing profession, always combining innovation with tradition.
Excellence. We strive for the highest levels of achievement in everything we do.
Investing in our people
Gray’s Inn is its Members. With an active membership of around five and a half thousand, including around three hundred student Members at any one time, we are run by our Members for our Members. Everything we do is inspired and implemented by our people and is designed to champion and nurture each individual’s unique talents and interests.
Investing in your future
Gray’s uses income generated from the commercial and residential lettings on our estate to pay for scholarships to support our Members on their journey to a career at the Bar, and to fund our other charitable activities: Education, the Chapel and the Library.
We’re justifiably proud of our heritage and we uphold our distinctive traditions, but we are always looking forward and embracing new challenges. To ensure our future is as illustrious as our past, we invest in supporting the brightest and the best, measuring our own success by our Members’ achievements.